Well I am not a game Dev, it took me almost two months to learn how to use Gdevelop with the help of some Youtube tutorials to make this 7 level Game here.

I always wanted to make a game on my own and finally I did it... with the help of really helpful game dev commmunity, youtube turotials and ofcourse the game engine that I used to make this, Gdevelop.

I tried making a game almost two years ago and it was not that great, I mean your first draft is never perfect, you can check that one too it is still on my itch io profile. Then I stopped because I got busy with other stuff, but then again on 6 Dec 2022 I decided I should try learning more about it and here it is... 

The Game is called Imoto's Adventure because it is inspired by my sister and Imoto means sister in Japanese.

All the artworks, sound effects, animations, character design and those cute little chickens are made by me except the menu buttons I took them from the Gdevelop asset store.

Hey Game Dev community please leave your thoughts below in comments. Thanks!

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